Vitamins: What is it? Vitamins are substances without caloric value needed in very small amounts for growth and proper functioning of the body.
Vitamins include: vitamin A , B vitamins , vitamins C , D , E , H and K.
Vitamins should be provided by the diet because the body can not synthesize them (except vitamin D).
A balanced diet that provides five fruits and vegetables per day provides all the vitamins and achieves 80% of the recommended daily intake.
What difference is there between soluble and water-soluble vitamins? Vitamins are classified according to whether they are soluble in fats and oils or in the body of water (water):
- Soluble vitamins (B vitamins , vitamins C and H) soluble in water are fragile and can be damaged by cooking and light;
- Fat-soluble vitamins (vitamins A , D , E and K) , soluble in fats , are more stable and less degraded by the usual methods of preparation and cooking.
What are the effects of vitamins on the body? Vitamin A (retinol) plays an important role in vision.
It exists in the form:
- Retinol (retinoid family) directly usable;
- Provitamin A (precursor of vitamin A) which is part of the family of carotenoids (plant pigments) some of which play an important role in the protection of the eye , including the retina.
Vitamins of group B , eight in number: B1 , B2 , B3 (or PP) , B5 , B6 , B8 , B9 , B12 are involved in many functions and enzymatic reactions in the body.
Deficiency in vitamins B1 , B3 , B6 , B9 and B12 manifested by nervous disorders (polyneuropathy) , especially in case of chronic alcoholism.
Vitamins B1 , B2 , B5 , B8 are useful in case of hair loss.
Pregnant women , supplementation with vitamin B9 (folic acid) reduces the risk of neurological malformation in the fetus (spina bifida).
Vitamin C (ascorbic acid) is a vitamin tone. It stimulates the body's defenses and promotes iron absorption in the body.
Needs are greater in the case of smoking , fractures , infections , alcohol , intense physical activity , sports , pregnancy ...
Vitamin D (calciferol) can fix calcium in the bones and teeth.
It is the body that synthesizes largely under the action of ultraviolet rays , providing 50-70% of needs.
Vitamin E (tocopherol) is a vitamin "antioxidant" , that is to say who has the ability to trap and prevent the spread of free radicals (harmful substances on cells). It plays an important role in host defense.
Vitamin K is essential for blood clotting.
What should I be wary? Food supplements rich in vitamins can be useful when feeding unbalanced or deficient. But be careful not to take more food supplements and not exceed the recommended dose.